Warm Up for Beginners

Below are some easy exercises for a warm up, which are suitable to beginners:

20 m easy jog up to cones and back down

20m easy skip with arm circles forwards (toe up)

20m easy skip with arm circles backwards

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

16 knee to chest squeeze (8 each side)

20m easy skip back to start

10 hamstring step sweep each side

20m easy skip

6 hip hinges

10 calf raises on the spot or walking A march for 20m

10 body weight squats (chest up, knees behind toes)

20m side skip and back down

16 walking lunges (8 each side)(chest up)

Dribbles, over ankle, over calf, over knee

Blended dribbles

Optional 20m high knees

Optional 20 m calf smashers

20m 60% stride

20m 70% stride

20m 80% stride


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