Believe Perform: Mental Health Support

Athletics Northern Ireland and Run NI have a partnership with Believe Perform to support the development of mental skills and the psychological well-being of the athletics and running community.

Believe Perform is the world's leading online source of performance psychology, well-being and mental health content for the sporting community. Their mission focuses on supporting coaches, athletes and parents to learn applied and practical ways in which they can build positive mental health habits and boost mental fitness. Since launching in 2013, they have provided free and accessible content to people all over the world to educate around the areas of psychology and mental health. You can follow Believe Perform on Twitter for daily posts focusing on maintaining your mental fitness and reinforcing positive mental health habits.

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Run NI have a number of resource licenses available for our Run Leaders, to support their coaching education and raise awareness of mental health issues. Training courses, articles and infographics on sports psychology, mental health and well-being will be available to help inform, educate and support members and Run Groups.

Contact our team to find out how you can access this resource: Paula (East):, or Patricia (West):


Menopause & Returning to Running after Childbirth or Surgery


Why Warm Up