Jade Hegarty

Jade spent one year in Canada running with a dedicated trail running club, where she experienced such a sense of community on the trails that she returned to Northern Ireland hoping to foster a similar group.

Jade achieved her LiRF qualification in November 2022 and plans to become a CiRF later this year. She has ran on an array of technical trails and is experienced in introducing beginners to trail running.

About Trail Run NI

Jade leads new group Trail Run NI and it’s the first recreational trail running group of it’s kind. The group was created as a means to encourage more people to try running on trails, as much for the mental aspect of running in nature, as well as the physical.

The trails offer so much variety in running, with each season giving runners a totally different experience. Although it may seem daunting at first running through a forest or on a mountain, Trail Run NI will provide you with the support and guidance you need to become comfortable running on uneven terrain and more technical landscapes.

Many people, particularly women, feel unsafe running alone or at night; Trail Run NI wants to eliminate that fear by joining runners together with a common goal of achieving fitness and friendship in nature.


Andrea Linton