Runner Profile: Shereen

Why do I Run?  

My running journey properly started after I had my daughter, Nora, as a way to get fit again having done very little exercise during pregnancy! I joined the couch to 5k program with Athletics NI in 2018 and after graduating I continued to run with the group until it formed into what we know today as the Wednesday Night Runners. It’s such a great bunch of people that are so supportive of all achievements and make training so enjoyable!


I’ve always found running to be a great stress reliever and has done wonders for my mental health over the years- no matter if it was a good run or bad run that day! Having gone through pregnancy loss this year, continuing with running really helped me get back on my feet, both physically and mentally and got me through such a difficult period.


My greatest running achievement to date has to be completing the Belfast Half Marathon in 2019. The training was intense having to balance it between work and family life but it was the best feeling crossing the finish line. The next one on the bucket list is to complete a marathon- ideally somewhere glamorous like New York!


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