Runner Profile: Janine

Why did I get into running....?

Mental health reasons. 

I always enjoyed exercising and going to the gym until I got into a whirlwind of depression and it was no longer enjoyable to me but a chore. I have known coach Sandra for many years though a family friend but little did I no then that it would be her that would help trail me out of my dark place and run me into the light literally!! 😂 


After losing my dad to cancer in June 2018 I could feel myself returning to that dark place and I didn't want to go there. I bumped into Sandra at a cancer walk to see how glowing and amazing she was looking, I asked what her secret was and she said running! Sandra herself along with Sam had just finish c25k,and if a fancied it, she would help me. I reached out for help and help she did!  I can't say I made it easy for her but she never gave up on me but most importantly she never let me give up in myself ❤️ I  honestly think I came up with every excuse to get out of it but she alway worked around my excuses pushing and encouraging me at every point. 


Sandra helped me complete the c25k programme while completing 10k herself. Her love, encouragement and support didn't stop there and I even went on to complete a 10k. Never in my life did I ever think I'd enjoy running but she made it possible for me. I have also been blessed to watch Sandra progress in her own amazing journey, from starting at c25k to now coaching her own class on a Wednesday night. I am definitely not a fast runner but I run! We have an amazing wee group on a Wednesday night with such lovely people and at all different abilities but Sandra makes it fun for us all and has bought us all together with the love of running ❤️


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Introducing: Andrea Linton