What Will Happen on My First Night?


It can be nerve-racking joining a new group or club, particularly if you are on your own, it’s a new sport or you are returning to the sport after a long break. But we can confidently say that you will enjoy yourself!

The most important thing about Run NI is that it’s designed to be fun and friendly, so everyone is supported to exercise at their own level, including complete beginners.

Before your first session starts, your jog leader will chat to you and find out what your current fitness level is and whether you have any particular goals or fears. They will ask you to fill out a confidential form explaining any injuries or relevant health problems (PARQ), plus a code of conduct.

Your session will start with a gentle warm-up session to get your body ready to exercise, followed by a running session tailored to your level.  Run leaders make sure that nobody gets left behind – whatever your speed or fitness level, you’re an important part of the group.

You’ll finish with a cool down where you can stretch your muscles and bring your heart rate gently back to normal, and perhaps enjoy a chat about the session.

Each week your jog leader will encourage you to run a little further or faster, and before you know it you’ll see big improvements in your fitness and achievements.

All you need to bring to the session is some water, especially on warm days, wear comfortable running clothes and shoes. If you have any other questions, contact the Run Leader of the group, they will be more than happy to keep you right.


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